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After what must’ve felt like an excruciatingly long wait, I’m happy to report th…

After what must’ve felt like an excruciatingly long wait, I’m happy to report that my next course is available on Jiu Jitsu X – Singles After 30. ⠀

You can expect to learn some takedowns that will help you repent from your guard pulling ways and/or survive in the Masters divisions. There it seems like guard pulling is collectively more frowned upon. We see a willingness to fight for the takedown… but often a lack of skill. Singles After 30 aims to change that.⠀

This is a shorter course than Monoplatus Magnus, my complete monoplata system, which got released this previous weekend. You should definitely check that one out as well on your way to picking up Singles After 30 for an affordable $30. ⠀

Believe it or not, I have a third course in the works, can you guess the topic? ⠀


Please use the code “JITSEASY10” for all your DVD & Digital Download orders at Digitsu to get 10% off (and help my channel out)! Thanks for the support 🙏

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