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An exert from @renergracie’s presentation on and the residual benefits when ha

An exert from @renergracie’s presentation on #policereform and the residual benefits when #lawenforcement has access to good #jiujitsu based training. Some people think that outreach is superfluous, and not a part of our job. To those people I will cite a shooting in our city and an armed barricaded subject call (amongst many other calls) that were both solved and resolved thanks information provided thanks to the small and consistent deposits of positivity that happen over the course of time. The investment of time is often not quantifiable, and the “return” may happen several years from now or maybe never happen at all. However when it does happen, it is priceless.

At the end of the day, it’s on is to make positive connections with people in our #community. All the other benefits, like trust, support, and people being comfortable enough to approach officers and disclose information that could potentially solve a crime are byproducts of those connections. What does any of that have to do with training? For me, I can definitely say that none of the outreach I have done would have happened if I did not first have the #confidence that comes with being able to protect myself and others. That is what jiu-jitsu has given me. 🙏🏽🥋🤙🏽 #selfdefense #outreach #aloha #makeadifference #trainweeklyorfightweakly #aiea #oahugrown

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