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I gave my father $100 and said, Buy yourself something that will make your life …

I gave my father $100 and said, Buy yourself something that will make your life easier. So he went out and bought a present for my mother.
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Uma vez dei ao meu pai 100 dólares e disse
– Pai compre algo que facilite sua vida. Então ele saiu e comprou um presente para minha mãe.


#jiujitsu #gracie #family #legacy #mma #renzogracie #gallerrapp #ralphgracie #bjj #brazilianjiujitsu #jiujitsulifestyle #champion #worldchampion #graciefamily #graciejiujitsu #rayrongracie #ryangracie #neimangracie #robsongracie #heliogracie #carlosgracie #roycegracie #rhalangracie #relsongracie #kyragracie

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