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It’s never too early to learn how to protect ourselves. Our new location @renzog…

It’s never too early to learn how to protect ourselves. Our new location @renzogracieuws on Upper West Side is empowering people as early as 6 am everyday. Check our schedule and get a free intro using the link on my profile or going to ?????? Nunca é cedo demais para aprender a se proteger. Nossa nova academia no upper west side de Manhattan já está empoderando alunos desde 6 da matina #jiujitsu #selfdefense #renzogracie #graciefamily #carlosgracie #heliogracie #upperwestside

Please use the code “JITSEASY10” for all your DVD & Digital Download orders at Digitsu to get 10% off (and help my channel out)! Thanks for the support ?

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