Site icon jitseasy

I’ve gotten a few thank you cards over the past 18 years, but never a thank you

I’ve gotten a few thank you cards over the past 18 years, but never a thank you song! We saw a need on our #community and we try to help in some small way. More than 130+ boxes of groceries since August thanks to an amazing partnership with @hopelinkhelps. Mahalo to them and especially to Linaye for sharing your incredible gift with us! 🙏🏽🎵🇺🇸🤙🏽 #police #outreach #aloha #makeadifference #aiea #oahugrown

Please use the code “JITSEASY10” for all your DVD & Digital Download orders at Digitsu to get 10% off (and help my channel out)! Thanks for the support 🙏

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