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Private lessons with our 55 year old student @said.r.khatib at @artofjiujitsu

private lessons with our student @said.r.khatib at @artofjiujitsu || Said is 55 years old and trains 4-5 days/week || one of the many AOJ examples of people that love the art and work hard everyday to not only improve their techniques but to make their lives better || we will be in Lebanon on nov 31st and dec 1st || @artofjiujitsu @believeandachieveorg @shoyoroll @rvcasport || aulas particulares com nosso aluno Said Khatib. Said tem 55 anos e faz aulas particulares 4-5 vezes por semana, um dos exemplos que temos na academia de pessoas que amam nossa arte e se dedicam diariamente para melhorar sua técnica e sua vida

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