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A good wormer regular faces extreme cowardice. Don’t let it sway your warrior sp…

A good wormer regular faces extreme cowardice. Don’t let it sway your warrior spirit. Initiate the stunting.

By the way, since I have you here. I’m doing a full redesign of keenanonline and lapel encyclopedia

I decided the time for change is now. It’s …. quite different
So different you might initially be filled with confusion😥
maybe even fear😳
But these are emotions that come from marching bravely into the unknown👺
, and should be embraced not shunned. However, this transition will be easier if you opt into my newsletter🗣
with the link in my profile🆓🆕.
That comes with all sorts of gems 💎 💎 💎
in itself. But the real value 💵💵💵
comes from being first to try the official BETA of the new site.
Go opt in ↪️
and get access before anyone else✅
sign up to try this latest project from the team that brought you lapel encyclopedia and KO. @hyperfly @fighterschoice

Please use the code “JITSEASY10” for all your DVD & Digital Download orders at Digitsu to get 10% off (and help my channel out)! Thanks for the support 🙏

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