Advanced Search & Filter Technology
Jitseasy is a tool that uses advanced “Boolean” logic to help you find exactly the content that you are looking for. Mix and match search terms to find techniques, counters to techniques, combinations and/or solutions to any question that you have about Jiu-Jitsu, Grappling, Wrestling, Sambo, Judo and much much more!
Access to a Limitless Database of Videos
Jitseasy accesses THOUSANDS of videos on every conceivable topic imaginable that relates or pertains to Jiu-Jitsu, Grappling & Judo. Jitseasy harnesses a cataloged database of unlimited video content from Youtube, Instagram, Vimeo, Twitter & Facebook. Jitseasy users can contribute their own videos and possibly have them featured.
Save your Favorite Videos
Jitseasy registered users can save their favorite videos to their membership profile and will soon be able to create and edit thioer own personal playlists.
Watch on all your favorite devices
Jitseasy is FAST and optimized for all of your devices including your phone, Ipad Laptop etc. Upload your videos straight from your phone after training.
Membership is 100% FREE
Jitseasy members are members for life! Stop paying for expensive memberships that you forget about or go defunct. Stop subscribing to memberships that limit you to one athlete’s perspective or take forever to upload new content. Jitseasy is on the cutting edge and brings to you the latest and most innovative techniques and news as it develops.
Bonus Content!!!!
Learn Secret Techniques from the Favellas of Brazil that have SHUT DOWN Gracie Jiu-Jitsu in its tracks!
Learn the secrets of “Favela Jiu Jitsu” – a non-Gracie Lineage and how it has produced world class fighters like Rodolfo Vieira, Denilson Pimenta, Alexander Trans, Italo Lins, Igor Silvia, Theodoro Canal, Jake MacKenzie and many others! Jitseasy is constantly filming and bringing to you exclusive content from the mats of Rio de Janeiro and our affiliate academies in the United States. Access to hundreds of exclusive GFT content for FREE! That’s an awesome deal and practically a shame for us to give these secrets away.