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Dilemma game from top half- ever get a cross face but just can’t figure out how t…

Dilemma game from top half- ever get a cross face but just can’t figure out how to put in an underhook? Don’t, instead, focus on the far knee. The dilemma is simple- if your opponent denies you the underhook by keeping his hand high towards the head and his elbow tight he has no ability to stop you from shoving the far knee down with an inside elbow to easily move to 3/4 mount. If on the other hand he lowers and extend his hand to either post on your knee or hand fight the inside elbow position, he will always then be susceptible to a far side underhook. The price he pays for reaching down with his hand is OVER EXTENSION. He can either fight the knee coming across or fight the underhook coming in, not both.

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