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Pass off to cross wrist- playing the dilemma by making them choose what their pri…

Pass off to cross wrist- playing the dilemma by making them choose what their primary hand does. Do they attempt to peel off the cross wrist grip? effectively giving you a double cross? or do they use their primary defensive hand to stop the strangle? here, my opponent begins to attempt to strip the initial cross wrist only to realize a hand is coming across his neck. Once he attempts to grab the strangle hand it is too late. the hand is trapped. once the secondary hand is trapped its embarrassingly easy to control the primary hand and set the strangle arm in place. at the highest levels, deception is the key to success. i made my opponent believe i wanted to attack his neck. when he was thinking about that it was easy to trap his secondary hand. keep this in mind when everyone gets back to training 🙂

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