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Victor Hugo is a heavyweight jiu jitsu game changer.⠀ ⠀ Check out the video abov…

Victor Hugo is a heavyweight jiu jitsu game changer.⠀

Check out the video above for a quick demonstration of Victor’s competition-tested techniques.⠀

Not only is Victor pulling these moves off at the highest level, but he also has a course where he teaches you how to do the exact same. The upside-down guard can be used by EVERYONE, regardless of gi size. ⠀

Inside Victor’s 3rd course on, he will make you understand how you don’t need to be small and flexible to attack your opponent from the upside-down angle.⠀

👉Follow the link in our bio to enroll in “Upside Down World” now, 15% OFF for a limited time only. ⠀

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