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What one you like the most, 360o. Double or foot sweep? One day it was just a d…

What one you like the most, 360o. Double or foot sweep? ?? One day it was just a dream and NOW 6X IBJJF NoGi World Champ ????? Happy with my performance. @flograppling HL on Finals @fightsportsmiami ?????? Qual gostaram mais, 360o. Double ou o Sassai? ?? Um dia era só um sonho e hj 6X Campeao Mudial NoGi pela IBJJF ??.??? Feliz com minha performance @kingzkimonos @fighterschoice @bjjworldchamp #fightsports #bjj #grappling #jiujitsu #miami #wrestling #finals #worldchampionships #lutabonito

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