Reader Interactions


  1. Hello search facebook for a video of robbery at a store in Frazer, Pennsylvania..where a lady was tending to a store by herself along with just her baby…sad but thank God nothing really bad happened but still pretty traumatic, makes you think so many thing should have been done to avoid that situation

  2. ?? South Africa is 100x worst than Brazil or South Side of Chicago. Yes‼️ "Ignoramus Americanish" are not aware of the wold beyond their nose. STAY OUT OF SOUTH AFRICA‼️ Crime is out of control there. STAY OUT‼️ You wannabe safer?…go to Brazil or South side of Chicago.

  3. It seems unarmed people have an EXTREMELY LOW success rate resisting against attackers with firearms. Honestly, if I am not armed and a guy pulls a gun on me, regardless of my martial arts training, I am going to comply, unless he tries to take me to a secondary location or escalate things further.

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