Reader Interactions


  1. A good few years ago I was opening my business one morning at 4AM, and just as I had put the key into the lock, I saw movement through my peripheral vision. I remember briefly looking to my left and seeing somebody hooded and masked up running at me. "FUCK OFF!" were the only words I could get out of my mouth before my feet took over. My 'Run-Fu' was top notch that morning. Usain Bolt and Forest Gump would have had absolutely nothing on me that day.

    I made it to a gas station about a mile away and asked them to phone the police. Whilst I was waiting for a call back I was doubting myself. 'It's a cold morning and it was probably just a jogger' I was telling myself. I get to my business, explain the situation to the police, and they wait around until I open up. We take a look at the security footage and at 3:30AM a car had pulled up and 4 men had got out and placed themselves in different positions. One down the alley, one behind a set of bushes, one behind a set of bins and one just off camera. There were actually 4 men who were swarming in on me and not just one, but in the panic and adrenaline I hadn't even noticed.

    I was very lucky that morning. If something doesn't look or feel right, RUN! It worked out for me.

  2. WTF Russia, you guys need to work on getting rid of corruption. scumbags like that should not be in power. Russia is a beautiful place full of good people but you guys have some serious issues with tyranny in government. our government isnt perfect either but there is way less corruption and more freedom guaranteed by the constitution. Russia needs a free market constitutional republic and many problems would be solved.

  3. Guess the victim might have some training in (only) semi-contact kicking-based combat sport before. In life-and-death situations, one should kick low and hard with shoe tip or ball of foot!
    While running away AFAP from more than one attacker, one should take off the outer garment and prepare to use it (e.g.wrapping the weaker arm with it) against cuts/strikes as a last resort in case of being outrunned. Or if lucky enough, pick up something, e.g. a stick, an object to throw, as a weapon.

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