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If You Can't Defend Strikes, then You Don't Know Jiu-Jitsu

If You Can't Defend Strikes, then You Don't Know Jiu-Jitsu

Every martial arts develops to be more focused on defending itself than defending what “untrained” people will do.

BJJ is no different.

The vast majority of schools focus predominantly or exclusively with defending submissions.

Students rarely, if ever, learn or train how to deal with people trying to hit them – standing or on the ground.

Even if the person started BJJ classes in order to learn how to protect themselves, they never really learn how to protect themselves against the SINGLE MOST COMMON ATTACK they will have to deal with if they are attacked.

Or, if they do it’s a rare class once in a blue moon.

This is why many people (and even some BJJ instructors) believe is that if you want to learn to defend yourself, BJJ isn’t the Art you should choose.

So, here, Erkan and I give an introduction in how to approach defending strikes on the ground. This isn’t just a matter of a few techniques you need to learn but a foundational realignment on how you approach your grappling.

This is why it takes practice – because you fight like you train. And, you can’t adopt a whole new style of grappling when punches start flying.

This is also why I focus so much of my instruction on teaching control (even from the bottom).

If you like my particular focus and style of teaching, you can get this kind of instruction almost daily for only $10/Month.

Just go here ( and subscribe.

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