Spider Guard, sweep from lasso guard attack the arm. / Mais Uma variação da guarda aranha com finalização na chave de braço
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Spider Guard, sweep from lasso guard attack the arm. / Mais Uma variação da guarda aranha com finalização na chave de braço
Master Ricardo and Instructor Tomasz Jedrzejczak from RCBJJ-CZEMPIŃ POLAND showing one scape and one sweep from half guard
Master Ricardo Cavalcanti and Professor Chris Howey teaching setup for no-gi the fifth fifth or 50/50 guard
Two options for pass the butterfly guard
how to set up a sweep and leg lock from spider guard with Master Ricardo Cavalcanti .
using spider guard lasso
Master Ricardo and Professor Rob Lagasca show Hoe to escape from 100kg immobilization or side control
Attack choke with the opponent lapel from stand up
Master Ricardo Cavalcanti showing how to sweep and also the foot lock attack from Delariva Guard. Don’t forget send your question por the next position of the week , e-mail to : rcjiujitsu@icloud.com .
Seminars and association program e-mail to : cavalcantijiujitsu@gmail.com
Turtle attack, master Ricardo teach this very famous choke Darce , but from when the opponent is in turtle position is very good fo No-Gi too , take a look in this sneak attack . If you have question or want a position send e-mail to rcjiujitsu@icloud.com . Information about association e-mail to cavalcantijiujitsu@hotmail.com or visit our website www.rcjiujitsu.com, osss SEMPRE JIUJITSU !!!!! ( always jiu-jitsu)
Master Ricardo Cavalcanti is back from his European Seminars trip 2017 and bring a defense the knee on the belly / Mestre Ricardo como prometeu devido ao grande número de pessoas no Brasil que assistem seus vídeos postar em português também essa defesa do joelho na barriga . Veja e assine nosso canal .