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Principle 26: Ratchet (The 32 Principles of Jiu-Jitsu)

Principle 26: Ratchet (The 32 Principles of Jiu-Jitsu)

Principle 26: Ratchet
Creating persistent incremental advancements in one direction while preventing motion in the opposite direction.

A ratchet is a mechanical device that allows incremental linear or rotary motion in one direction, while preventing motion in the opposite direction. In jiu-jitsu, we use “macro ratchets” and “micro ratchets.” Macro ratchets pertain to advancements of your entire body, while micro ratchets pertain to advancements of a specific body part. The Ratchet Principle, like the River Principle, is rooted in persistence. While the River Principle is like water flowing around a problem, the Ratchet Principle is akin to a snake squeezing the life out of its prey with each exhalation.

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